Event Information
The Coastal Quest Triathlon event is held annually at Whitford Nodes Park, Hillarys in the City of Joondalup and is suitable for all levels of athletes, including a short 'Bolt' race ideal for novice and junior participants. Novice and age-group athletes also have the option to step up to the Sprint distance of 750m Swim / 20km Ride / 5km Run. This season we see the inclusion of a short course Draft Legal race also for DL Endorsed athletes 14 - 23Yrs.
For participants that are current Triathlon Australia and TWA Standard or Premium members the Coastal Quest will be a:
State Sprint Distance Championship for Senior age groups (20 years of age as at 31/12/2024)
2024/25 Senior and Junior State Series point score event
Entries are - OPEN!
Race Location
Start/Finish and Transition at Whitford Nodes Park, Hillarys
Race Distances
Sprint – 750m Swim/20km Ride/5km Run
Juniors 14 to 15 Yrs
Juniors 16 to 19 Yrs
Open/Senior - Individual (Senior age groups start at 20 years of age as at 31/12/2024)
Teams - Junior 14 to Senior 75+ years (Relay format - 1 or 2 legs per Team member)
Bolt (Novice & Juniors) – 300m Swim/7km Ride / 2km Run
This distance is suitable for all beginner and novice athletes 12 Yrs and older.
Categories include - Juniors 12 to 13 Yrs, 14 to 15 Yrs, 16 -19 Yrs and senior participants +20 Yrs
This race is also a:
SSWA qualifier for school sport nationals for athletes aged 12-13 (Athletes born in 2012/2011)
Triathlon WA State Series race for athletes aged 12-13 as of Dec 31st 2024
Draft Legal (DL Endorsed athletes) – 300m Swim / 14km Ride / 3km Run
for Draft Legal Endorsed athletes only (AusTri DL endorsed athletes only)
Juniors 14 to 15 Yrs
Juniors 16 to 19 Yrs
Elite athletes 19+ Yrs
This race is also a:
School Sport WA qualifier for intermediate 14-15 Yrs (born 2010/2009) and Senior 16-18 Yrs (Born 2008/2007/ 2006)
Triathlon WA State Series race for athletes aged 14-15 Yrs and 16-19 Yrs as at Dec 31st 2024
Athletes aged 19+Yrs can also race the DL (Draft Legal) if they have a DL endorsement.
Duathlon – 2km Run/20km Ride /5km Run
Junior 14 to 19 years
Open/Senior - Individual
Note: - race distances have been adjusted for race logistics purposes, hence the last run leg is longer.
AquaBike – 750m Swim/20km Ride
Junior 14 to 19 years
Open/Senior - Individual
Note: - Aquabike finish times are taken after you dismount your bike and cross the timing mat into T2. after that make your way from Transition to the athlete recovery area. You do not need to run out of transition and to the finish line.
Tin Lids (Kids - 7-11yrs) – 100m Swim/3km Ride /500m Run
Junior 7 to 11 years
Note: - this is intended to be a safe and fun race experience for kids hence no finish timing is given . However all entrants receive a custom race swim cap and finishers receive a finisher medal.
Course Summary
Sprint (Seniors, Junior and Teams)
Swim - 1 x 750m lap
Bike - 3 x laps
Run - 1 x 5km lap (out and back)
Draft Legal
Swim - 1 x 300m lap
Bike - 4 x laps *Timed Lap Count
Run - 6 x 500m laps (out and back) *Timed Lap Count
Bolt (Novice & Juniors)
Swim - 1 x 300m lap
Bike - 1 x lap
Run - 1 x 2km lap (out and back)
Run - 1 x 2km lap (out and back)
Bike - 3 x laps
Run - 1 x 5km lap (out and back)
Swim - 1 x 750m lap
Bike - 3 x laps
Note: - Aquabike finish times are taken when you cross the finish line. After you dismount your bike and exit Transition at the run exit. Then turn directly into the Finish entry channel to the finish line.
TinLids (Kids 7-11yrs)
Swim - 1 x 100m lap
Bike - 1 x 3km lap
Run - 1 x 500m lap (out and back)
Race Entries
Online Registrations are - OPEN!
Late Entries
Ii is unlikely that spare capacity will be available but should this be the case then Late entries will be available after 9pm AWST 2 December 2024. *Subject to race entry slots still being available only! Please note that all late entries will incur an additional $15 late payment fee for individual entries and for Teams. (Late entries require additional manual processing by race administrators to entry lists for electronic timing preparation and bib allocation.)
Late entries can be purchased at the Registration Pickup times and locations below subject to availability:
Registration Pickup
Pre race day registration bag collection (numbers, timing chip, swim cap) will now be available at XTR Multisports (Royce Court, Joondalup) on the days and times listed below. We strongly suggest to ensure race pack collection the day before the race to ensure you have plenty of time on race morning. Please ensure you have registered and collected your swim cap, timing chip band.
Saturday 07th - 11:00am to 3:00pm at XTR Multisports (Royce Court, Joondalup)
Sunday 08th - Alternatively registration will be available from 5:30am to 6:45am on race day at the race transition area at Whitford Nodes Park, Hillarys.
Please note:
Photo ID or Registration Confirmation is required (a friend can collect on your behalf with a copy of your registration email)
We strongly suggest that all race packs are collected prior to the event at one of the times and locations shown above
Bike Transition Check In
Bike check-in and racking will be on race day Sunday 08 December prior to race start between:
5:45am to 6:35am for TinLids (Kids)
5:45am to 6:55am for the Sprint, Bolt and Duathlon race distances.
Be sure to get to the race in good time to register and rack your bike in time. It is advised to register on the days prior to race day to ensure you have sufficient time on race morning. Note - only after you have completed registration will you be able to rack your bike in transition.
Bag Drop
A bag drop area is available on race day. Your race bib/no you receive in your registration pack includes a bag-drop tear off tab. If you will use the bag drop, tear this off carefully and secure to your bag handle., The bag drop area will be located in the recovery area at the finish. This area is not open to the public and will allow you to collect your bag once you have completed your race and within the finish recovery area.
Please note that bag drop is self managed but you may need to show your race number to event staff when picking up your bag.
Race Registration Pack
Your race registration pack will include four important items:
Your Race Bib - must be worn on the Bike and Run leg.
Your Swim Cap - which will match your Swim Wave cap colour
Your Timing Chip Band - which will match your Bib and Bike Id number (place on Left ankle). This may or mat not match your Race Bib number.
Your Bike Id number (x1 small blue sticker) - will match your Race Bib number. This must be placed on your bike top tube for Transition entry/exit control. This is NOT for your helmet!
Helmet Number (x3 small white stickers) - will match your Race Bib number. Follow the instructions in your registration pack to place on Left, Right and Front of helmet!
Notes - You will require your race number to match your bike identification number to remove your bike from transition post event.
Race Timing Chip and Band
While you will receive a race timing band for this event a recorded time is not guaranteed. Should you misplace your timing band or timing chip prior to or after the event you will be required to reimburse the event organisers $100 to replace this item in order for you to receive a valid timed result. Should you fail to reimburse the event organisers for this item you will receive a DQ finish result.
This year please ensure you remove your Timing Chip and place it in the chip retrieval tub before you leave the Finish recovery area or leave the event venue.
Note for Teams: Each team will receive one single timing chip, which you will need to swap over to the next team member before they start their leg! This should be done in the Team Handover location within transition or at your bike rack position. All you need to do is meet your team mate at the 'Teams' handover area in Transition and then the member just completing their leg should safely exit transition into the recovery area!
Race Day Transition Access
Transition access on race day for Bike check-in and racking will be on race day Sunday 08th December prior to race start. You will require your race number, bike identification number and helmet to gain entry to transition. Helmets should be placed on your head and buckled up for safety inspection.
Transition access will be at following times:
5:45am to 6:45am for TinLids (Kids)
5:45am to 6:50am for the Sprint, Draft Legal, Bolt, Aquabike and Duathlon race distances.
Bike Removal from Transition
Transition access after you race will be dependant on the Race Director announcing that the transition is open for bike collection. For safety reasons, the Transition for each event distance will vary and is dependant on the last athlete for that race completing their bike leg. Only then subject to the approval of the Race Director will the Transition area for that race be opened for the removal of bikes. Therefore Transition zones will be opened for bike removal in this order:
TinLids (Kids)
Draft Legal
Sprint, Aquathlon and Duathlon
As a security precaution, you will require your Race Bib Number to gain entry to Transition once your race is completed. You must show your Race Bib Number and bike identification number to a race official before you can remove your bike.
Failure to abide by the race rules above will result in disqualification and possible further disciplinary action!
Race Numbers & Marking
Please ensure your race number is marked on your Left lower forearm for identification by race officials as well as event photographers should your Race Bib Number not be visible e.g. exiting the Swim
You will require your race number bib on both the Bike and Run leg - this is mandatory.
Wave Categories
Athletes will have a choice of entering the Open (Elite) Age Group and Para-triathlete waves. However in tradition we will offer the 'Mates Wave', which is a non-competitive category but allowing individuals of ages and genders to start together with family or friends in the same wave. Also on offer is the 'BIG EASY' wave for those athletes that want to cruise through having completed a long course Ironman, 70.3 or similar in the weeks before.
Start Waves (Updated 04/12/2024) Note - these times are subject to change without notice, including additional waves)
6:45 - TinLids (Kids) / Juniors 7 to 11 yrs Male/Female (Swim cap - Yellow)
7:05 - Draft Legal / Males (Swim cap - Dark Blue)
7:07 - Draft Legal / Females (Swim cap - Pink )
7:35 - Bolt / Juniors 12 to 19 yrs Male (Swim cap - Light Blue)
7:36 - Bolt / Juniors 12 to 19 yrs Female (Swim cap - White)
7:38 - Bolt / Males 20+ yrs . (Swim cap - Green )
7:40 - Bolt / Females 20+ yrs . (Swim cap - Orange)
7:41 - Bolt / Mates Wave (Swim cap - Red)
7:42 - Bolt / Paratri (Swim cap - Gold)
7:50 - Duathlon / All (2km Run Leg) - Start on shared path on the West side of T1/2
7:55 - Sprint / Male Open & Jnr 14-19yrs . (Swim cap - Dark Blue)
7:56 - Sprint / Female Open, Jnr 14-19yrs, 20-39yrs and Paratri. (Swim cap - Pink)
7:57 - Sprint / BIG EASY (Swim cap - White)
8:02 - Sprint / Male 20 to 39 yrs . (Swim cap - Light Blue)
8:05 – Sprint / Male 40+ yrs . (Swim cap - Green)
8:10 - Sprint / Female 40+ yrs . (Swim cap - Purple)
8:12 - Aquabike & Sprint / Mates Wave & Teams (Swim cap - Red)
Race briefing
Race briefing will be held for all races. There will be three race briefings -
6:40am - for TinLids (Kids) on the beach adjacent to the start.
6:50am - for the Draft Legal race - next to Transition and Registration area.
7:15am - for the Bolt, Duathlon and Sprint races - next to Transition and Registration area.
Please only move to the beach starting area after your briefing. Athletes please use the entrance South of the Swim Exit if you are not an early wave so as not to clash with athletes exiting the swim..
All presentations will take place at approximately 9:00am (Bolt), 10:00 est. (Sprint) onwards at the finish area. The presentations times are subject to change and will start earlier if ahead of schedule.
Race Divisions
Participants will participate in one of the following categories:
TinLids (Kids) - 7-11 Yrs
Draft Legal (Juniors & Youth) - 14-15 yrs, 16-19 yrs, 20-23 Yrs;
Bolt (Novice & Juniors) - 12-13 Yrs, 14-15 yrs, 16-19 yrs, 20-29 Yrs; 30-39 yrs . . . 50-59 Yrs; 60
Sprint Senior - This race division is a 2024/25 State Senior point-score, WA State Sprint Championship and TA Age Group WT World Championship qualifying race (for TA/TWA Standard & Premium members).
20-24 yrs Male & Female
25-29 Yrs Male & Female
30-34 Yrs Male & Female
35-39 Yrs Male & Female
40-44 Yrs Male & Female
45-49 Yrs Male & Female
50-54 Yrs Male & Female
55-59 Yrs Male & Female
60-64 Yrs Male & Female
65-69 Yrs Male & Female
70-74 Yrs Male & Female
75+ Yrs Male & Female
Sprint Junior - 14-15 Yrs, 16-19 Yrs - Age Group race.
Duathlon - 14-15 Yrs, 16-19 Yrs, 20-24 yrs, 25-29 Yrs. . . . . 65-69, 70+ - Age Group race
AquaBike - 14-15 Yrs, 16-19 Yrs, 20-24 yrs, 25-29 Yrs. . . . . 65-69, 70+ - Age Group race.
Age is calculated in align to TA policy as at 31st of December 2024.
*Draft Legal (DL endorsed athletes) entries are subject to approval by the organisers and Triathlon WA.
*Open Category (Elite athletes) entries are subject to approval by the organisers and Triathlon WA.
Participants entering the Mates Wave will still be allocated to age group categories for race results and prize categories where applicable.
Presentations and Prizes
The presentations times are subject to change and will start earlier if ahead of schedule.
Place medals will be awarded to:
TinLids (Kids) - no place medal but medal to all finishers!
Draft Legal (Juniors & Youth) -tba
Bolt - 1st, 2nd and 3rd male and female 12-13 Yrs, 14-15Yrs, 16+Yrs (Note - Place Medals only junior Age Categories)
Sprint - 1st Male - Brynt McSwain Trophy (a memorial trophy in honour of Brynt McSwain)
**Sprint - Open/Elite - 1st (Trophy, Medal & $500), 2nd (Medal & $400), 3rd (Medal & $300) male and female - for Open Category places (Note - must be a current financial Triathlon Australia and TWA Standard or Premium annual member)
**Sprint - Age Group - 1st, 2nd and 3rd male, female and 1st Paratri male, female WA State Championship Age Group winners - WA State Sprint Championship Place Medals, (Note - must be a current financial Triathlon Australia and TWA Standard or Premium annual member)
**Sprint - Teams - 1st Team Place Medals
Sprint Junior - 1st, 2nd and 3rd male, female for Age Groups 14-15 Yrs, 16-19 Yrs - Place Medals
Duathlon - 1st, 2nd and 3rd male and female overall - Place Medals (Note - not per Age Category but based on overall placing)
AquaBike - 1st, 2nd and 3rd male and female overall - Place Medals (Note - not per Age Category but based on overall placing)
Lucky Draw Prizes - there will be loads of lucky draw prizes across all race distances!
For the Sprint race, while the event is open for all to. enter only current 2024/2025 Triathlon Australia affiliated Standard or Premium annual members will be valid for points contribution to selection for State Series points score and WA State Sprint Championship for Senior athletes 20Yrs+
Non-affiliated entries (non members) and TA/TWA Basic members are required to obtain a Triathlon Australia one day membership for race day that provides a Triathlon Australia One Day Licence (ODL) providing you with Public Liability insurance during the event. More information on insurance can be found here on the Triathlon Australia website - http://www.triathlon.org.au/Membership/Insurance.htm
The purchase of a a Triathlon Australia one day membership and ODL is not a substitute for a Triathlon Australia and Triathlon WA annual membership and the associated entitlements, points or selection for Triathlon Australia representation at any Age Group WT World Championship event.
Other Luck Draw Prizes
All lucky draw prizes are available that will be drawn on the day but are only valid if your race number is drawn and you are personally present to receive the award at the prize giving on race day. Lucky draw prizes for entrants not present at the race day prize giving will be invalid and their will be a re-draw for that prize. To enter in for the lucky draw prizes please ensure that your race number 'Raffle Ticket' strip is torn from your race number and placed in the draw bucket at the presentation area - when advised by race organisers prior to the start of the presentation (Not in the Recovery area directly after you finish)!